2011 Session

Bills Art sponsored in the 2011 Session include:

SJ 4      - Urge Congress to support Constitutional Amendment on balanced budget (Passed)

SJ 5      - Resolution to Congress for const convention on US house and senate term limits (Died in Senate Committee)

SJ 20    - Study resolution on implementation of privatization of Medicaid administration (Passed)

SB 89   - Reduce DEQ and local sanitation review times (Signed into law)

SB 125 - Prohibit state gov't from administering fed health insurance purchase reqmnt (Signed into law)

SB 148 - Require Dept. of Livestock to notify private land holders re: bison control acts (Died in Senate Committee)

SB 150 - Provide for protection of rights through actions against public officials (Died in Senate Committee)

SB 179 - Memorialize trooper David Delaittre (Signed into law)

SB 239 - Temporarily prohibiting DEQ enforcement authority for public water systems (Died in Senate Committee)

SB 270 - Revise appeal process for unemployment claims (Died in Senate Committee)

SB 345 - Revise attorneys fees to enforce constitutional rights (Died in Senate Committee)

SB 391 - Establishing private property protection program related to energy transmission (Died in Senate Committee)

SB 395 - Extend class 14 tax classification to all new generating and fuel facilities (Died in Senate Committee)

SB 418 - Referendum to prohibit health insurance purchase requirement (Passed)

SB 429 - Revised uniform limited liability company act (Signed into law)

For a full listing of Art's bills, click to visit his 2011 legislative session page.