Background Articles

Background Articles 


Former Bozeman legislator lays out appeal of ‘dark money’ case in Supreme Court filing

By Michael Wright Chronicle Staff Writer: May 1, 2017

A former Bozeman lawmaker is arguing that a jury’s finding that he took illegal campaign contributions should be overturned because he believes the state’s political cop violated laws in going after him and that he had an unfair trial.

Wittich Files Appeal With State Supreme Court.

Phil Drake: November 21, 2016

Rep. Art Wittich, R-Bozeman, who is also an attorney, said he was targeted because of his legal and political battles against Helena special interests on issues of life, guns, taxes and unions.

Motl Targets New Area For Speech Control: The courtroom. 

Will Swaim; February 23, 2016

Not content with controlling political speech in the streets, Montana’s powerful campaign-finance czar has asked a district judge to limit a defendant’s speech in an upcoming courtroom showdown

Killer COPP

Will Swaim; February 10, 2016.

While Motl settles most political complaints as low-level violations, he's chosen to litigate only 12 cases, all involving Republican candidates or people who supported conservative candidates or causes. 

Montana Commission on Political Practices Targets Idealogical Opponents. 

Will Swaim; January 31, 2016 

The road trip from the Colorado statehouse to the Capitol building in Montana is about 800 miles, but the psychological distance from a Denver meth-house to the office of Helena's Commissioner of Political Practices has to be greater than that.

A Speech Mugging In Montana: A case of twisting campaign finance law for partisan ends.  

WSJ Editorial; January 8, 2016    

Laws restricting political speech are easily abused for partisan gain, as we’ve seen with the IRS and Wisconsin’s John Doe investigation. The latest example is unfolding in Montana, where a state official is taking revenge against a political rival.